Jonathan Pearce

Jonathan Pearce is head of the CO2 storage team and a principal geochemist at the British Geological Survey (BGS), with 30 years’ experience. He is CCO2 storage subprogramme coordinator for the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) CCS Programme, leading development of research priorities for CO2 storage for the SET Plan’s Implementation Plan No 9 on CCS and CCU, in which he co-leads the storage subgroup. His CO2 storage work began in 1993 and he was editor of the Guide to Assessment of Impacts from Potential Leakage from CO2 Storage Sites for the RISCS project.

Jonathan is the chair of the general assembly for the ECCSEL distributed research infrastructure on CCS. He specialises in assessing technical compliance with regulatory requirements for CO2 storage, with focus on monitoring storage operations, assessing risks and storage permit applications. In addition to his research, he has advised governments, produced commissioned reports and led international CCS feasibility studies, notably in China and South Africa.

For SECURe, as lead of WP6: Sharing best practice and knowledge, Jonathan leads the team responsible for developing multidisciplinary guidance on good practice in environmental baseline monitoring for CO2 storage and unconventional gas production.